Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Sunrise Over the Hospital

The clinic is situated inside a 32-bed hospital, built in 2007 with a very sleek and modern look.  After entering the foyer through the first set of automatic doors, you are greeted with a delicious blast of heated air just before you step through the second set of automatic doors into the hospital lobby.  The patients are all military personnel and their dependents.

Most of the clinicians are also in the military; they wear army fatigues and combat boots in clinic.  I am extraordinarily jealous of their multifarious pockets.  I've never heard anyone addressed by their first name: it's always Sargeant B or Major V, or, in my case, Doctor or Ma'am.  The office that I share with Major V is haunted by a poltergeist who:
a) keeps the temperature rather chilly in contrast to the rest of the clinic which is reasonably warm
b) mischievously turns off the light without warning several times a day

The Alaska Railroad, which connects Fairbanks to Anchorage, runs part of its Denali Star route behind the hospital:

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