Sunday, October 31, 2010

Four Degrees Fahrenheit

The weather has been relatively mild (mostly in the 20s to 30s in daylight, dropping to the teens overnight)...until today when it was still only 4 degrees at high noon.  Yes, now I will admit that it's a teeny bit cold.  I've been told that the snowpack which has developed over the past few weeks will likely persist until May.  Luckily, Fairbanks has a crack snow-plowing team that seems to work round-the-clock.  Because Fairbanks lies at the bottom of the Tenana Valley, cold air tends to accumulate over the city. The average low temperature in the winter is around -25 degrees, but it has gotten as cold as -60 degrees in the past.  Being just 188 miles south of the Arctic Circle probably doesn't help.  What amazes me is that, despite the cold and the snow, many people still travel on bicycles--you can see bicycle treadmarks all over the sidewalks:
October 17:
October 23:
October 30:

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