Friday, October 22, 2010

3 Levels of Classified

Classified information is rated as one of just three levels: Confidential, Secret, and Top Secret. Somehow I always envisioned a more complex hierarchy of progressively classified information: from nylon-static-cling Level 1 Confidential, to ironclad-amber-waves-of-grain Level 5 Confidential, all the way up to hermetically-sealed-and locked-out-of-my-apartment-AND-my-car Level 23 Top Secret.  My military issue laptop is unbelievably secure that I am not authorized to install my own office printer.

Maybe this explains why I've been here for an entire week and I still haven't been cleared to see patients [perhaps they discovered my overdue library book fine from 1994, or my occasional propensity for jaywalking...?].  I remain officially in Processing Purgatory.

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