Saturday, October 02, 2010

My Summer of Spectacular Slackerdom

After graduating from residency, I forced myself to put off finding gainful employment...because I'm a workaholic!  From the east coast!  With OCD!  
The early part of my laconic summer was spent designing and hand-sewing outfits for an asian baby doll that belongs to the 4-year-old daughter of a friend.  It was like a Lilliputian version of Project Runway, but without the backstabbing and smarmy comments ("That is so bridesmaid!"; "It looks like a disco straitjacket!"; "I question your taste level!").  My favorite piece is a set of miniature fairy wings I fashioned from an old underwire bra and some glitter.  I think Tim Gunn would approve:
My pack rat tendencies really came in handy for other intriguing outfits made from scraps of denim, stretch cotton, wool, and red velvet:
Sadly, my summer of spectacular slackerdom is coming to an end, and soon I'll be shipped off to a locum tenens position in Fairbanks, Alaska where the aurora borealis can be seen 200 nights of each year.

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