Tuesday, March 29, 2011

RMT Gone Wild

Another night of nearly nonstop RMT calls, which can be neatly summed up like one of those Chinese restaurant menus where you choose options from each of two columns...

Column A                                              Column B
S/he was drinking       and               got hit on the head with a guitar
                                                        got shot with a BB pellet
S/he was on a snow                        got stabbed with a knife
machine/4-wheeler     and               fell down
                                                        started having seizures
S/he was playing                             got into a fight
with a BB gun            and                drank 3 bottles of R&R
                                                        got run over by a 4-wheeler

One man who was extremely intoxicated and combative got stabbed in the chest but would not allow the village health aide to apply pressure to the wound.  Under normal circumstances, I would have activated the medevac, but this patient was belligerent and uncooperative and stated he would refuse to fly to Bethel; so I had the health aide monitor him in clinic.  She called with frequent updates (vital signs, bleeding check), and each time, I could hear the patient yelling loudly in the background.  Finally, the health aide had the VPO (village police officer) cart the patient off to jail because he was out of control.  I figured if the patient was running around and throwing things in clinic, the likelihood of a pneumothorax, hemothorax or cardiac trauma from the stab wound was pretty low.


Aurelie said...

you are hilarious

thistljm said...

...but if he had any of those life threatening ailments, you are armed with ATLS and ready to needle decompress!!