Sunday, March 06, 2011

ATLS and a Casino Heist

What I did while visiting my friend Jules in Denver:
1. ATLS: We both signed up for Advanced Trauma Life Support, a grueling 2-day course taught by trauma surgeons bursting with testosterone.  One particularly manic instructor with rapid pressured speech entertained us with such comments as, "Big whoop!  No one ever died of an EJ laceration!" and "Oh, you did a thoracotomy?  What kind of suture did you use?  Silk?! [raising his eyebrow judgmentally]...mmm hmmm..."
2. Dinner at Table 6: The highlight was dessert--an amazing sweet potato cinammon roll with carmelized pecans and cream cheese sorbet

3. Casino Heist: A mystery-solving dinner held in a 3-story Victorian mansion, whereupon entering, we were approached by a very young person in sunglasses with a fedora and a camera
Me: A minor just took our photograph!
Jules: He's a sixth-grader!
We played several rounds of fake roulette and blackjack before retiring to the 3rd floor ballroom for dinner and guessing which of the eccentric characters had stolen "millions" from the casino.  I was rooting for our blackjack dealer, a mysterious woman in a mask and a black wig with an endearingly unidentifiable accent, but alas it was someone else...

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