Saturday, February 05, 2011

Hooked On Antibiotics

I can't get over the amazing number of clinic patients who believe that antibiotics will cure all the evils of the world.  They come into clinic demanding antibiotics and if I don't give it to them, they'll make an appointment with another doctor who will.  I'm getting tired of trying to explain how a huge proportion of respiratory illnesses are caused by viruses, and that even if antibiotics are warranted, it's important to choose one that is targeted toward a specific type of bacteria.  This town is teeming with people who are hooked on antibiotics.  One lady even requested antibiotics for "fatigue".  So don't blame me, tiny town of Tonasket, if one of you falls prey to a super-resistant bacteria that was able to flourish due to handfuls of amoxicillin and azithromycin being thrown around here like confetti.

Now that I have succumbed to the respiratory virus that has been nipping at my nose & throat, I have even less of an inclination to prescribe antibiotics for most respiratory infections because I know that antibiotics would do absolutely nothing for my nasal congestion, cough and laryngitis.  I got sent home early from clinic Wednesday when I lost the very last remnant of my voice.  Try dictating hospital discharge summaries over the phone when your voice is an unpredictable mess of screeching, warbling, and ain't pretty.  When I returned to work on Friday, my voice had recovered to about 35%, so I was trying to speak as little as possible.
Ancient elderly male patient: You speak really good English, especially for someone from China
[note: I have never even been to China]
Me: [thinking, "Are you freakin' kidding me?!", but instead saying...] Thank you?

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