Thursday, March 08, 2007

My Life As a Dictator

There's nothing like being in a room full of attendings and residents who are all on the phone reciting succinct dictations that recount the clinic visits of their patients. Imagine people in white coats speaking quickly, crisply sotto voce into phone receivers as if it were the most natural activity.

I, on the other hand, feel like I'm having a coronary every time I start a dictation: face flushed, difficulty breathing, palpitations, chest pain, and the inability to form the simplest of words. My dictations are full of awkward pauses as I try to persuade the frozen peas of my 4th year med student brain to thaw out and justify my medical decision-making. I drop multiple apologies to the poor sap who has to listen to my stumbling dictation and transcribe it into a legible document. I live in fear that the transcriber will hunt me down in the middle of the night and swiftly dispatch a poison dart into my larynx as punishment for my sub-par dictating skills.

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