Monday, January 02, 2012

Mormon Fisticuffs and Other Sources of Excitement

New Year's eve was a wildly eventful day in clinic.  From a 36-yr-old woman with probable pneumonia who was tachypneic and only satting 65% on room air but didn't want us to call an ambulance to transport her to the ED... to a tall 24-yr-old man with excellent cheekbones and a tiny laceration on his face requesting "just one stitch" and lamenting that the scar would ruin his not-yet-launched "modeling career"... to the most fresh-faced wholesome-looking 19-yr-old blond teenager in a dress shirt and pressed trousers sporting a swollen black eye and a scalp abrasion after getting in a fist fight with another church member at a Mormon holiday event...

We thought all the excitement was over after we finally finished treating the last patient about an hour after clinic was officially closed...but when I arrived back at work on New Year's day, there was a huge gaping hole in the northwestern corner of the clinic building, cordoned off with caution tape.  Turns out  a very inebriated driver from the nearby air force base collided into the clinic late at night, completely totaling his car...then he got up and walked over to Taco Bell (where he was arrested) because he suddenly felt extremely hungry.

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