Friday, August 05, 2011

Jackie Chan, Meet Dr Chan

"Everyone thinks I look like Jackie Chan," says my 52-yr-old patient who was admitted for dilantin toxicity.  Only he makes it infinitely more amusing by swooping into a karate chop gesture every time he says "Jackie Chan".  Which is quite frequent.

This delightful patient has a seizure disorder for which he takes dilantin and valproic acid.  He has a special mantra to remind himself how many tablets of valproic acid to take: "Five in the morning, six at night, no whiskey".  I suspect he accidentally used the valproic acid mantra with his dilantin tablets and ended up with a supratherapeutic serum dilantin level.

Our Jackie Chan lookalike also has an oddly low serum sodium level which dipped down to 123 without any apparent neurological symptoms.  I was able to get his serum sodium to climb up to 128 (still low) with a bit of intravenous 0.9% saline. With a urine sodium >40 and a slightly low serum osmolality, he probably has SIADH, which is often treated with free water restriction and oral salt tablets.  It's the antithesis of what we usually tell our patients: Drink less fluid!  Use at least a 1/2 teaspoon of salt with all your meals!  The hospital is on a "healthy eating" kick and has substituted all salt packets with Mrs Dash's Salt Substitute.  I had to rummage through 3 different staff break rooms before I finally unearthed a plastic container brimming with contraband salt packets.  After I sprinkled his scrambled egg breakfast with one of the salt packets, my patient grinned and said, "My brother looks like Mr Miyagi."

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