Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Mist in the Mountains

Everything in the mountains was shrouded in mist when we went scouting for a suitable Christmas tree:
Mrs H usually does a preemptive sweep of the property in late fall and ties red ribbons on evergreens that look promising.  Dr H goes out in mid-December, assesses the beribboned candidates, then uses a hand saw to liberate the winner from its roots (if you look closely, you can see Dr H behind the tree with his saw, and Cedar the dog resting quietly in the background; the cat followed us too, but she's very adept at avoiding paparazzi):
Dr H drags the winning evergreen home

The tree is set up in the downstairs living room, where there's plenty of room for the treetop to extend beyond the second floor:

1 comment:

Aurelie said...

wow molly! what an adventure! do you have a stocking to hang by the chimney with care?