Thursday, May 18, 2006

Holy Carnivorous Cajuns, Batman!

Scene 1:
I'm all dolled up in a sterile gown and my size 6-1/2 sterile gloves. It's the first time I get to use a scalpel (#15 blade), a bovie (for electrocautery), and sutures (3-0 chromic gut with tapered needle) all in one procedure. And the body part in front of me is...a PENIS!

A collective shudder is palpable among the males in the OR. Our 45-year-old patient requires a circumcision because he has developed phimosis & cannot get his foreskin to pull back.

Male scrub nurse: I'm so glad my parents had me circumcised when I was a baby!
Male urology resident: Ditto for me!

Scene 2:
The patient is resting in the recovery room.
Urology resident: The procedure went very well, and you'll be healing nicely in the next couple of weeks.
Patient: Did you make it bigger?
Me: That costs more!

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