Monday, October 31, 2011

Driving My Life Away

I'm very excited about finally starting my first permanent MD job.  The lovely thing about urgent care is that patients generally present with just one or two medical problems.  I will never complain about the following: lancing abscesses, suturing lacerations (I had to stitch across the vermilion border on a lip laceration recently!), removing a foreign body from someone's eye (the patient was a very skittish young man who kept twitching away from me and reflexively shutting his eyes, but I finally got the tiny brown speck after a saline eye wash and a few passes with a sterile cotton swab).

Aside from seeing multitudes of patients with viral respiratory infections who would have been better off staying home to rest, my only beef with this job is the commute:  55 minutes on I-5 to get to work, 55 minutes to get home.  It would behoove me to invest in the Berlitz or Rosetta Stone Spanish language course on CD [conduzco mi vida lejos?] so I can learn while driving, and to start saving my pennies for a hybrid car, methinks.